miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

Primera Clase

The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international Collaboration of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that are working together to define and develop open standards, best practices, platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based learning and training systems. Over a thousand faculty, researchers, staff, administrators and students are members of the Immersive Education Initiative, which is growing at the rate of approximately 2 new members every day.
Membership is free and open to the global academic community.


La inmensa Iniciativa de la Educación es sin fines de lucro en colaboración internacional con universidades, institutos de Investigación, consorcios y compañías que trabajan juntos para definir y desarrollar estándares abiertos, mejores prácticas, plataformas, y comunidades de soporte de la realidad virtual y aprendizajes basados en juegos y sistemas tradicionales. Cerca de miles de profesores, investigadores, personal, administradores y estudiantes son miembros de la inmensa iniciativa de la Educación, la cual esta creciendo a una tasa de aproximadamente 2 nuevos miembros cada día.
Los socios son libres y abiertos a la comunidad global académica.

Identificar las categorías lexicales

* Palabras: non-profit, researchers, research, together, training, thousand.
* Oración: Membership is free and open to the global academic community.
* Verbos: define, develop, growing, working.
* Párrafo:
The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international Collaboration of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that are working together to define and develop open standards, best practices, platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based learning and training systems. Over a thousand faculty, researchers, staff, administrators and students are members of the Immersive Education Initiative, which is growing at the rate of approximately 2 new members every day.

* Texto:

The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international Collaboration of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that are working together to define and develop open standards, best practices, platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based learning and training systems. Over a thousand faculty, researchers, staff, administrators and students are members of the Immersive Education Initiative, which is growing at the rate of approximately 2 new members every day.
Membership is free and open to the global academic community.

El texto esta en presente continuo.

Ing. Janeth M. Gutiérrez
Ing. Lusdalis Colmenares
Ing. Jennifer Sánchez
Lcdo. César Arias

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